Our Story

After 40 years of being the leading texture coating tycoon in Pakistan, Rock Shield’s newest launch Infinity, an independently manufactured paint product, has emerged as one of the most competitive color solutions in the market today. Innovated to personalize indoor spaces with astoundingly vivacious splashes of finely processed paint, Infinity is the paladin of premium, fresh visual appeal for the modern aesthetic. Imprinting pristine finish to drab interiors, the gorgeous Infinity palette encompasses a wide range of solid, smooth colors which are unique, trendy, and fetching.

Our Services

Infinity Paints is one of the largest, dedicated, and experienced paint provider in the country. Our labour application team, consisting of over about thousand connoisseurs of colour texture coating and painting, has about 40 years of experience in the field and the industry. Trustworthy and professional; adroit and keen – these experts have proved their painting ability through a number of megaprojects, successfully led and finished by Rock Shield.

Our Products

Infinity, with it's 40 years of groundbreaking paint and texture coating eminence in Pakistan, is celebrated for its modern and sophisticated transformations of residential and commercial projects. Our paint artisanship has allowed us to embark upon the revolutionary remodelling of dull canvasses to compose stunning colour solutions for numerous homes, offices, hotels, malls, plazas, restaurants etc. At Infinity, we bring culture, nature, and novelty to lifeless structures to ensure that every moment is accentuated by ambient surrealism of hues.

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